Asva Viking Village, also called Saaremaa Vikings, introduces the rich Viking history of the island of Saaremaa and the historic site of Asva. The village is next to the Asva Fortified Settlement which has been settled since the Bronze Age. The site explores different eras from the three thousand years of history. There are interesting thematic activities and modern attractions for all ages. Besides the Barley Hall, adventure park and animal park different events take place at Asva Viking Village all though the summer.

In the midst of the Viking Village stands a high Adventure Park where you can explore more than 50 games on four different heights, as well a 100 m long air ride. Braver guests can put themselves to the test on the adrenaline-rich Viking Jump and on a 12 m high adventure trail. Little Vikings are welcome on the lower adventure trail with a fun air ride.

You can hone your skills of archery, axe-throwing, horse riding and of several fun Viking games. Children can enjoy the Playground attractions. The open-air exhibition gives an overview of the history of both the Asva Fortified Settlement as well the Viking Era. Throughout the summer, there are several beautiful concerts held on the Fortress Stage.

There are both smaller and larger animals and also a lot of colourful birds waiting to befriend you at the Animal Park. Inside the yard, you are welcome to pet the ponies, goats, sheep, rabbits and other animals, and enjoy the majestic tail dance of our peacock. The villagers are happy to introduce each animal and bird to you, and if interested, give you a horse ride.

All through the summer different events take place at the Viking village – concerts, artisan workshops, camps etc.
Find more information about events from HERE

At our Viking village you can have your first go at riding. If you prefer to make a proper riding tour, we will be happy to direct you to the nearby Asva riding farm.
Find out more about the riding possibilities from HERE

Do you know, that Saaremaa and Vikings go way back and the island has changed the whole world’s Viking history? Want to discover the different Viking experiences of the island?
Read more about our Viking history from HERE
Saaremaa Vikings have settled themselves at a historic site by the Asva Fortified Settlement where our ancestors have been farming and fighting since the Bronze Age.

Asva fortified settlement, Linnamäe põld (the Hill-fort field) has been an important settlement centre during several different eras. The first signs of settlement in Asva have been dated to 3rd millennium BC – the Early Bronze Age. The fortification of settlement sites in the areas of Estonia begun during Bronze Age when natural protection of some sites was enhanced with simple structures.
The heaping of earthen walls did not begin until Iron Age while gateways and other edifices of the forts were built following certain standards. Most of the hill-forts were in use from the 2nd half of the first millennium until the end of Livonian Crusades at the beginning of 13th century. Asva fortified settlement was first used during 8th–7th centuries BC but the buildings were destroyed in a fire. The settlement that burned down seems to have been a prosperous centre. There were several floors of the buildings and monumental dry stone wall unearthed. Additionally, the settlement had been engaged in bronze casting.
Tens of thousands of pottery shards and numerous tools and utensils have been unearthed. Based on the animal bones, it seems that the inhabitants of Asva mainly hunted seals but have occasionally consumed elk and horse meat as well. The hill- fort site may have been in use during the first half of the 1st millennium, but it is certain that the slopes were raised and a circular wall was built during 7th–9th centuries AD. The occupational layers associated with this stage contain Pre-Viking and Viking Age items – pottery, weapons and tools.
In order to understand the site better, in 2012 archaeologists started new excavations on the Asva Linnamäe field.
Registry code 14204686
Nõmme, Kahtla
94420 Saaremaa
Customer support
+372 5333 3214

LEADER-toetuse eesmärgiks oli muuta objekti atraktiivsemaks ja muuhulgas rajada Asva Viikingiküla loomapark, kus külastajad saavad tutvuda erinevate loomade ja lindudega.